Issue networks that form around Debra Haaland and Yvette Herrell.

Complex, Contemporary, and Unconventional: Characterizing the Tweets of the #NativeVote Movement and Native American Candidates through the 2018 U.S. Midterm Elections

This paper examines Tweets by and about Native American political candidates during the US 2018 Midterm election cycle. It calls attention to the ways that Native American women candidates craft campaigns that help tie together community-focused issues to solidify connective action online.

November 70712 · Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Nicholet Deschine Parkhurst, Marisa E. Duarte
Overview of network analysis methodologies.

#Indigenous: Tracking the Connective Actions of Native American Advocates on Twitter

This paper examines how Native American activists and institutions use Twitter to facilitate connective action during the US 2016 presidential primary election period. We used a mixed methods approach that combined network analysis with qualitative grounded theory analysis.

February 252512 · Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Marisa Elena Duarte, Nicholet Deschine Parkhurst, Elizabeth Belding